Одноразовые системы. Плюсы и минусы использования. Решения для апстрим процесса (мини-обзор)
В статье рассмотрены технологические и экономические аспекты использования одноразовых технологий, а также дан обзор различных систем хранения, перемешивания и транспортировки и наиболее популярных биореакторов в одноразовом исполнении.
Список ссылок
1. URL: http://www.top1000bio.com/
2. URL: http://www.bioprocessintl.com/multimedia/archive/00186/BPI_A_121011SUPAR07_186076a.pdf
3. 2nd Annual Survey of Bioprocessing Market for Single-Use Solutions. --- Germany: Aspen Brook Consulting, Inc., 2010.
4. Eibl R., Eibl D. Single-Use Technology in Biopharmaceutical Manufacture. --- USA:Wiley, 2011.
5. Wang E. Cryopreservation, Storage and Transportation of Biological Process Intermediates. --- UK: BioProcess Int. Industry, 2006. Yearbook. P.78-79.
6. Lok M., Blumenblat S. / BioProcess Int. Suppl. 2007. V.5. №5. P.28-31.
7. Singh S.K. / Am. Pharm. Rev. 2007. V.10. №3. P.26-33.
8. Rathore N., Rajan R.S. / Biotechnol. Prog. 2008. V.24. №3. P.504-514.
9. Scott C. / BioProcess Int. Suppl. 2007. V.5. №5. P.44-51.
10. Lam P., Sane S. /Design and testing of a prototype large-scale bag freeze-thaw system will have many benefits for the biopharmaceutical industry. 2007. Accessed December 28, 2009.
11. DePalma A. /Liquid mixing: Solid challenges. 2005. Accessed January 25, 2010.
12. Zlokarnik M. /Scale-up in Chemical Engineering. 2006.
13. Marks D.M. / Cytotechnology. 2003. V. 42. P.21-33.
14. Nienow A.W. / Cytotechnology. 2006. V.50. P. 9-33.
15. Eibl R., Eibl D. / Cytotechnology. 2007. V.2. P.8-10.
16. Fenge C., L?llau E. / Cell Culture Technology for Pharmaceutical and Cell-Based Therapies. S.S. Ozturk, W.S. Hu (eds.). --- New York: CRC Press, 2006. P.155-224.
17. Brecht R. / D. Eibl, R. Eibl (eds.) Disposable Bioreactors, Series: Advances in Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology. --- Berlin; Heidelberg: Springer, 2009. V.115. P.1-31.
18. Davis J.M. / R. P?rtner (ed.), Animal Cell Biotechnology: Methods and Protocols, Series Methods in Biotechnology. --- Totowa, New York: Humana Press, 2007. V. 24. P.337-352.
19. Schwander E., Rasmusen H. / Genet. Eng. Biotechnol. News. 2005. №25. P.29.
20. DePalma A. / Genet. Eng. Biotechnol. News. 2002. V.22. P.58-62.
21. BiShop N.E., Hugo D.L., Borovec S.V., Anderson D.A. / J.Virol. Methods. 1994. V.47. P.203-216.
22. Nelson K., Bielicki J., Anson D.S. / Biochem. J. 1997. V.326. P.125-130.
23. Lee S.Y. Kim S.H., Kim V.N., Hwang J.H., Jin N., Lee J., Kim S. / J. Biomed. Sci. 1999. V.6. P.8-17.
24. Curtis W.R. Growing cells in a reservoir formed of a flexible sterile plastic liner / United States Patent 6709862. 2004.
25. Falkenberg F.W. / Res. Immunol. 1998. № 6. P. 560-570.
26. McArdle J. /ATLA 32. 2004. Suppl. I. P. 119-122.
27. Eibl R., Kaiser S., Lombriser R., Eibl D. / Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 2010. DOI: 10.1007/s00253-009-2422-9.
28. Eibl R., Werner S., Eibl D. / D. Eibl, R. Eibl (eds.), Disposable Bioreactors, Series: Advances in Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology. --- Berlin; Heidelberg: Springer, 2009. V. 115. P. 55-87.
Список ссылок
1. URL: http://www.top1000bio.com/
2. URL: http://www.bioprocessintl.com/multimedia/archive/00186/BPI_A_121011SUPAR07_186076a.pdf
3. 2nd Annual Survey of Bioprocessing Market for Single-Use Solutions. --- Germany: Aspen Brook Consulting, Inc., 2010.
4. Eibl R., Eibl D. Single-Use Technology in Biopharmaceutical Manufacture. --- USA:Wiley, 2011.
5. Wang E. Cryopreservation, Storage and Transportation of Biological Process Intermediates. --- UK: BioProcess Int. Industry, 2006. Yearbook. P.78-79.
6. Lok M., Blumenblat S. / BioProcess Int. Suppl. 2007. V.5. №5. P.28-31.
7. Singh S.K. / Am. Pharm. Rev. 2007. V.10. №3. P.26-33.
8. Rathore N., Rajan R.S. / Biotechnol. Prog. 2008. V.24. №3. P.504-514.
9. Scott C. / BioProcess Int. Suppl. 2007. V.5. №5. P.44-51.
10. Lam P., Sane S. /Design and testing of a prototype large-scale bag freeze-thaw system will have many benefits for the biopharmaceutical industry. 2007. Accessed December 28, 2009.
11. DePalma A. /Liquid mixing: Solid challenges. 2005. Accessed January 25, 2010.
12. Zlokarnik M. /Scale-up in Chemical Engineering. 2006.
13. Marks D.M. / Cytotechnology. 2003. V. 42. P.21-33.
14. Nienow A.W. / Cytotechnology. 2006. V.50. P. 9-33.
15. Eibl R., Eibl D. / Cytotechnology. 2007. V.2. P.8-10.
16. Fenge C., L?llau E. / Cell Culture Technology for Pharmaceutical and Cell-Based Therapies. S.S. Ozturk, W.S. Hu (eds.). --- New York: CRC Press, 2006. P.155-224.
17. Brecht R. / D. Eibl, R. Eibl (eds.) Disposable Bioreactors, Series: Advances in Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology. --- Berlin; Heidelberg: Springer, 2009. V.115. P.1-31.
18. Davis J.M. / R. P?rtner (ed.), Animal Cell Biotechnology: Methods and Protocols, Series Methods in Biotechnology. --- Totowa, New York: Humana Press, 2007. V. 24. P.337-352.
19. Schwander E., Rasmusen H. / Genet. Eng. Biotechnol. News. 2005. №25. P.29.
20. DePalma A. / Genet. Eng. Biotechnol. News. 2002. V.22. P.58-62.
21. BiShop N.E., Hugo D.L., Borovec S.V., Anderson D.A. / J.Virol. Methods. 1994. V.47. P.203-216.
22. Nelson K., Bielicki J., Anson D.S. / Biochem. J. 1997. V.326. P.125-130.
23. Lee S.Y. Kim S.H., Kim V.N., Hwang J.H., Jin N., Lee J., Kim S. / J. Biomed. Sci. 1999. V.6. P.8-17.
24. Curtis W.R. Growing cells in a reservoir formed of a flexible sterile plastic liner / United States Patent 6709862. 2004.
25. Falkenberg F.W. / Res. Immunol. 1998. № 6. P. 560-570.
26. McArdle J. /ATLA 32. 2004. Suppl. I. P. 119-122.
27. Eibl R., Kaiser S., Lombriser R., Eibl D. / Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 2010. DOI: 10.1007/s00253-009-2422-9.
28. Eibl R., Werner S., Eibl D. / D. Eibl, R. Eibl (eds.), Disposable Bioreactors, Series: Advances in Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology. --- Berlin; Heidelberg: Springer, 2009. V. 115. P. 55-87.
Ключевые слова
одноразовые системы, одноразовые биореакторы, одноразовые мешки
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ISSN: 2073-8099
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