Разработка концепции стадии up-stream процесса получения rFSH
В настоящей статье представлена концепция стадии up-stream процесса получения 500 мг rFSH для доклинических исследований с помощью ферментной системы Sartorius AG. Музейный банк культуры клеток на основе CHO-K1 продуцента был разработан и зарегистрирован ранее. Культура этого банка позволяет получить rFSH, секретируя его в культуральную жидкость, с концентрацией до 50 мкг/мл, в результате двухфазного процесса, в периодическом режиме с подпиткой.
Список ссылок
1. К. Поллов. Введение в репродуктивную эндокринологию. Биохимические и физиологические аспекты, основы диагностики .// Германия.: Мейнц, 2000, 70 с.
2. Е.С Северин. Биохимия: Учеб. для вузов.// М.: ГЭОТАР-Медиа, 2003, 779 с.
3. J.N. Hugues. Recombinant human follicle-stimulating hormone: a scientific step to clinical improvement.// Reprod. BioMed., Volume 2, issue 1, 2007, pp. 54-64.
4. Wei-Shou Hu. Stoichiometry and Kinetics of Cell Growth and Product Formation.// Cellular Bioprocess Technology, 2004.
5. URL: http://www.irvinesci.com/techinfo/docs/PB_91119_IS_CHO-CD_Rev3.pdf (дата обращения: 21.11.2012).
6. URL: http://www.sartorius.com/fileadmin/media/global/products/ Broch_BIOSTAT_CultiBagSTR_SBI1509-e.pdf (дата обращения 23.11.2012).
7. A. Palagiano, E. Nesti, L. Pace. FSH: urinary and recombinant.// Europ. J. Obstet. Gynec. Reprod. Biology, Volume 115, 2004, pp. 30-33.
8. Т.К. Алиев, В.А. Топорова, В.В. Аргентова. Влияние различных компонентов среды культивирования на продукцию рекомбинантных антител в СНО клетках в условиях стабильной и транзиентной экспрессии.
9. S. K. Yoon , J. K. Honga, S. Ho Choob., et al. Adaptation of Chinese hamster ovary cells to low culture temperature: Cell growth and recombinant protein production.// J.of Biotech.,122 , 2006, pp. 463–472.
10. A. Sugimura, K. Daimon, K. Mihara, et al. Method for production of recombinant human FSH .// United States Patent 7,939,296, 2011.
11. F. M. Wurm Production of recombinant protein therapeutics in cultivated mammalian cells.// Nat. Biotechnol., 22(11), 2004, pp. 1393-1398.
12. D.J. Kim, S.H. Seok, M.W. Baek, et al. Highly expressed recombinant human follicle-stimulating hormone from Chinese hamster ovary cells grown in serum-free medium and its effect on induction of folliculogenesis and ovulation.// Fertil. Steril., 93(8), 2010, pp. 2652-60.
13. F. Mueller, P. Herman, J. Rohde, et al. Production and purification of a CHO derived recombinant human follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) using a disposable bioreactor in a fed-batch mode.// R&D Department Minapharm Pharmaceuticals - Cairo, Egypt -BAC NV.
14. H. Prentice, et al. Improving performance of mammalian cells in Fed-Batch processes through “Bioreactor Evolution”.// Biotechnol. Prog. 23, 2007, pp. 458-464.
15. R. Fike. Nutrient supplementation strategies for biopharmaceutical production, Part 2. Feeding for optimal recombinant protein production.// Reprinted with permission from BioProcess International 7(11), 2009.
16. G. Gellissen, ed. Production of recombinant proteins: novel microbial and eukaryotic expression systems.// John Wiley & Sons, 2005, pp. 426.
17. Y.M. Huang , W. Hu, E. Rustandi, K. Chang, et al. Maximizing productivity of CHO cell-based fed-batch culture using chemically defined media conditions and typical manufacturing equipment.// Biotechnol. Prog., 26(5), 2010, pp. 1400-10.
18. S. Detchanamurthy, S. M. A. Parkunan. Bioreactor design for the production of recombinant human therapeutic protein expressed in Pichia pastoris - a theoretical novel approach.// Biotech.-An Indian J., 3(4), 2009.
19. L.E. Decker, R. Reski; Current achievements in the production of complex biopharmaceuticals with moss bioreactors.// Bioprocess Biosyst. Eng., 31, 2008, pp.3-9.
20. M. Schr?der, K, Matischak and P. Friedl. Serum- and protein-free media formulations for the Chinese hamster ovary cell line CHO-K1.// J. of biotech., 108 (3). pp. 279-292
Список ссылок
1. К. Поллов. Введение в репродуктивную эндокринологию. Биохимические и физиологические аспекты, основы диагностики .// Германия.: Мейнц, 2000, 70 с.
2. Е.С Северин. Биохимия: Учеб. для вузов.// М.: ГЭОТАР-Медиа, 2003, 779 с.
3. J.N. Hugues. Recombinant human follicle-stimulating hormone: a scientific step to clinical improvement.// Reprod. BioMed., Volume 2, issue 1, 2007, pp. 54-64.
4. Wei-Shou Hu. Stoichiometry and Kinetics of Cell Growth and Product Formation.// Cellular Bioprocess Technology, 2004.
5. URL: http://www.irvinesci.com/techinfo/docs/PB_91119_IS_CHO-CD_Rev3.pdf (дата обращения: 21.11.2012).
6. URL: http://www.sartorius.com/fileadmin/media/global/products/ Broch_BIOSTAT_CultiBagSTR_SBI1509-e.pdf (дата обращения 23.11.2012).
7. A. Palagiano, E. Nesti, L. Pace. FSH: urinary and recombinant.// Europ. J. Obstet. Gynec. Reprod. Biology, Volume 115, 2004, pp. 30-33.
8. Т.К. Алиев, В.А. Топорова, В.В. Аргентова. Влияние различных компонентов среды культивирования на продукцию рекомбинантных антител в СНО клетках в условиях стабильной и транзиентной экспрессии.
9. S. K. Yoon , J. K. Honga, S. Ho Choob., et al. Adaptation of Chinese hamster ovary cells to low culture temperature: Cell growth and recombinant protein production.// J.of Biotech.,122 , 2006, pp. 463–472.
10. A. Sugimura, K. Daimon, K. Mihara, et al. Method for production of recombinant human FSH .// United States Patent 7,939,296, 2011.
11. F. M. Wurm Production of recombinant protein therapeutics in cultivated mammalian cells.// Nat. Biotechnol., 22(11), 2004, pp. 1393-1398.
12. D.J. Kim, S.H. Seok, M.W. Baek, et al. Highly expressed recombinant human follicle-stimulating hormone from Chinese hamster ovary cells grown in serum-free medium and its effect on induction of folliculogenesis and ovulation.// Fertil. Steril., 93(8), 2010, pp. 2652-60.
13. F. Mueller, P. Herman, J. Rohde, et al. Production and purification of a CHO derived recombinant human follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) using a disposable bioreactor in a fed-batch mode.// R&D Department Minapharm Pharmaceuticals - Cairo, Egypt -BAC NV.
14. H. Prentice, et al. Improving performance of mammalian cells in Fed-Batch processes through “Bioreactor Evolution”.// Biotechnol. Prog. 23, 2007, pp. 458-464.
15. R. Fike. Nutrient supplementation strategies for biopharmaceutical production, Part 2. Feeding for optimal recombinant protein production.// Reprinted with permission from BioProcess International 7(11), 2009.
16. G. Gellissen, ed. Production of recombinant proteins: novel microbial and eukaryotic expression systems.// John Wiley & Sons, 2005, pp. 426.
17. Y.M. Huang , W. Hu, E. Rustandi, K. Chang, et al. Maximizing productivity of CHO cell-based fed-batch culture using chemically defined media conditions and typical manufacturing equipment.// Biotechnol. Prog., 26(5), 2010, pp. 1400-10.
18. S. Detchanamurthy, S. M. A. Parkunan. Bioreactor design for the production of recombinant human therapeutic protein expressed in Pichia pastoris - a theoretical novel approach.// Biotech.-An Indian J., 3(4), 2009.
19. L.E. Decker, R. Reski; Current achievements in the production of complex biopharmaceuticals with moss bioreactors.// Bioprocess Biosyst. Eng., 31, 2008, pp.3-9.
20. M. Schr?der, K, Matischak and P. Friedl. Serum- and protein-free media formulations for the Chinese hamster ovary cell line CHO-K1.// J. of biotech., 108 (3). pp. 279-292
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ISSN: 2073-8099
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