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Noninferiority study of lipegfilgrastim vs. pegfilgrastim: a multicenter phase III study of breast cancer patients receiving myelosuppressive chemotherapy – results from Russia

John L Pilon


The efficacy and tolerability of lipegfilgrastim vs. pegfilgrastim have been demonstrated in a pivotal phase III multinational, multicenter, randomized, double-blind, controlled noninferiority study in chemotherapy-na?ve high-risk stage II, III, or IV breast cancer patients.  The objective of this manuscript is to present the efficacy and safety of the subset of patients enrolled in Russian medical centers.

Ключевые слова

long acting G-CSF, glycopegylated G-CSF, chemotherapy-induced neutropenia, Lonquex, Neulasta


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ISSN: 2073-8099

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