Russian Journal of Biopharmaceuticals was founded in 2009.
Six issues per year.
Journal includes review papers dedicated to most important and relevant problems in biopharmacy, corporate communications which discuss a novel products for biopharmacy, and also research papers which describe the results of experimental and clinical investigations.
Primary Themes are as follows:
1. Strains utilized in biotechnology;
2. Technology of biopharmaceuticals;
3. In-process control;
4. Certification and standardization;
5. Education and manpower training.
Primary Sections are as follows:
1. Review articles;
2. Full lenght articles;
3. Short communications;
4. Letter to Editor;
5. Editor's word;
6. Abstracts of conferences.
Russian Journal of Biopharmaceuticals (Biofarmatsevticheskii Zhurnal) is registered in the Russian Committee of the Periodical Press