Разработан новый препарат иммуноглобулина для внутривенного введения БИОВЕН, соответствующий последним международным стандартам качества и безопасности. Благодаря хроматографическому способу очистки в мягких условиях препарат обладает высокой активностью Fc-функции и низким содержанием примесей. Высокая стабильность 10 % раствора допускает хранение при комнатной температуре сроком до двух лет. Технология получения препарата включает валидированные стадии инактивации вирусов, в том числе сольвент/детергентную. Выход иммуноглобулина составляет 5 г из 1 л плазмы.
Список ссылок
1. Appropriate use of human immunoglobulin in clinical practice: memorandum from an IUIS/WHO meeting / Bul. World Health Organ. 1982. V. 60. P.43–7.
2. Rader R.A. Biopharmaceutical Products in the US and European Market (6th ed.) / Bioplan Assoc. Inc. 2007. P. 1191.
3. Cohn E., Strong L., Hughes W., et al. / J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1946. V.68. P.459–475.
4. Oncley J.L., Melin M., Richert D.A., et al. / J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1949. V.71. P.541–550.
5. Kistler P., Nitschmann H. / Vox Sang. 1962. V.7. P.414–424.
6. Radosevich M., Burnouf T. / Vox Sang. 2010. V.98. P.12–22.
7. Taubman M.A., Atassi M.Z. / Biochem. J. 1968. V.106. P.829–834.
8. Masuho Y., Tomibe K., Matsuzawa K., et al. / Vox Sang. 1977. V.32. P.175–181.
9. McCue J.P., Hein R.H., and Tenold R. / Rev. Infect. Dis. 1986. V. 8. Suppl. 4. P. 3774–3814.
10. Nielsen H. / Allergy. 1994. V.49. P.69–73.
11. European Pharmacopeia 6th ed. 01/2008:20709 2.7.9. Test for Fc function of immunoglobulin.
12. CPMP: Note for Guidance on Virus Validation Studies: The Design, Contribution and Interpretation of Studies Validating the Inactivation and Removal of Viruses (Revised). CPMP ? BWP ? CPMP ? 5136 ? 03. London, European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products (EMEA), 1996.
13. Guideline Title Virus Validation Studies: The Design, Contribution and Interpretation of Studies Validating the Inactivation and Removal of Viruses Legislative basis Directive 75/318/EEC as amended Date of first adoption February 1991.
14. Guideline Title Assessing the Efficacy and Safety of Normal Intravenous Immunoglobulin Products for Marketing Authorizations Legislative basis Directive 75/318/EEC as amended Date of first adoption February 1996.
15. Лютов А.Г. / Педиатрия. 2008. № 3. С.73–79.
16. Зубкова Н.В. / Гематол. и трансфузиол. 2010. № 2. С. 39–44.
17. Ruch F.E., Acker E.A. Process for isolating immunoglobulins in whey, US Patent 5747031, 1998.
18. Kimura T., Kurosu F. Method of preparing immunoglobulin suitable for intravenous administration using PEG, Patent 4379086, 1983.
19. Hansen J.F. Method of recovering immunoglobulin using a polyol and an alkanoic acid, US Patent 4164495, 1979.
20. Levy J., Rothstein F., Shimiaei B. Method for high yield purification of immune globulins from blood plasma and blood plasma intermediates, US Patent 7125552, 2006
21. Andersson I., Lindquist L. Method of producing IgG, US Patent 6835379, 2004.
22. Bonomo R. Removal of process chemicals from labile biological mixtures by hydrophobic interaction chromatography, US Patent 5094960, 1992.
23. Немов В.В., Ивашкина С.Г. / Вестник Нижегород. унив. им. Н.И. Лобачевского. Сер.: Биология. 2001. № 1.
24. European Pharmacopeia 6th ed. 01/2008:0918 2.9.18. Human normal immunoglobulin for intravenous administration.
25. European Pharmacopeia 6th ed. 01/2008:20615 2.6.15. Prekallikrein activator.
26. European Pharmacopeia 6th ed. 01/2008:20617 2.6.17. Test for anticomplementary activity of immunoglobulin.
27. Курищук К.В., Куркіна О.В., Скринник М.М. и др. / Укр. ж. гематол. трансфузіол. 2006. № 5. С.29–33.
Список ссылок
1. Appropriate use of human immunoglobulin in clinical practice: memorandum from an IUIS/WHO meeting / Bul. World Health Organ. 1982. V. 60. P.43–7.
2. Rader R.A. Biopharmaceutical Products in the US and European Market (6th ed.) / Bioplan Assoc. Inc. 2007. P. 1191.
3. Cohn E., Strong L., Hughes W., et al. / J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1946. V.68. P.459–475.
4. Oncley J.L., Melin M., Richert D.A., et al. / J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1949. V.71. P.541–550.
5. Kistler P., Nitschmann H. / Vox Sang. 1962. V.7. P.414–424.
6. Radosevich M., Burnouf T. / Vox Sang. 2010. V.98. P.12–22.
7. Taubman M.A., Atassi M.Z. / Biochem. J. 1968. V.106. P.829–834.
8. Masuho Y., Tomibe K., Matsuzawa K., et al. / Vox Sang. 1977. V.32. P.175–181.
9. McCue J.P., Hein R.H., and Tenold R. / Rev. Infect. Dis. 1986. V. 8. Suppl. 4. P. 3774–3814.
10. Nielsen H. / Allergy. 1994. V.49. P.69–73.
11. European Pharmacopeia 6th ed. 01/2008:20709 2.7.9. Test for Fc function of immunoglobulin.
12. CPMP: Note for Guidance on Virus Validation Studies: The Design, Contribution and Interpretation of Studies Validating the Inactivation and Removal of Viruses (Revised). CPMP ? BWP ? CPMP ? 5136 ? 03. London, European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products (EMEA), 1996.
13. Guideline Title Virus Validation Studies: The Design, Contribution and Interpretation of Studies Validating the Inactivation and Removal of Viruses Legislative basis Directive 75/318/EEC as amended Date of first adoption February 1991.
14. Guideline Title Assessing the Efficacy and Safety of Normal Intravenous Immunoglobulin Products for Marketing Authorizations Legislative basis Directive 75/318/EEC as amended Date of first adoption February 1996.
15. Лютов А.Г. / Педиатрия. 2008. № 3. С.73–79.
16. Зубкова Н.В. / Гематол. и трансфузиол. 2010. № 2. С. 39–44.
17. Ruch F.E., Acker E.A. Process for isolating immunoglobulins in whey, US Patent 5747031, 1998.
18. Kimura T., Kurosu F. Method of preparing immunoglobulin suitable for intravenous administration using PEG, Patent 4379086, 1983.
19. Hansen J.F. Method of recovering immunoglobulin using a polyol and an alkanoic acid, US Patent 4164495, 1979.
20. Levy J., Rothstein F., Shimiaei B. Method for high yield purification of immune globulins from blood plasma and blood plasma intermediates, US Patent 7125552, 2006
21. Andersson I., Lindquist L. Method of producing IgG, US Patent 6835379, 2004.
22. Bonomo R. Removal of process chemicals from labile biological mixtures by hydrophobic interaction chromatography, US Patent 5094960, 1992.
23. Немов В.В., Ивашкина С.Г. / Вестник Нижегород. унив. им. Н.И. Лобачевского. Сер.: Биология. 2001. № 1.
24. European Pharmacopeia 6th ed. 01/2008:0918 2.9.18. Human normal immunoglobulin for intravenous administration.
25. European Pharmacopeia 6th ed. 01/2008:20615 2.6.15. Prekallikrein activator.
26. European Pharmacopeia 6th ed. 01/2008:20617 2.6.17. Test for anticomplementary activity of immunoglobulin.
27. Курищук К.В., Куркіна О.В., Скринник М.М. и др. / Укр. ж. гематол. трансфузіол. 2006. № 5. С.29–33.
Ключевые слова
иммуноглобулин для внутривенного введения, Fc-функция, хроматография
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ISSN: 2073-8099
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