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Anti-Inflammatory Effect of Photoprotector Gel on the Basis of Melanin

Луиза Бахтияровна Азимова, Альбина Васильевна Филатова, Джалол Тургунбаевич Джурабаев, Аббасхан Сабирханович Тураев


The therapeutic and prophylactic effect of a photoprotective gel based on melanin isolated from the seed coats of horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum L.) was studied on a model of ultraviolet erythema in guinea pigs. With a single skin prophylactic application (1 hour before irradiation) of prototype gels with melanin — 0,5% (No. 2), melanin — 0,05% and menthol — 0,1% (No. 3) at a dose of 500 mg/kg, as well as the reference preparation «Psilo-balm» (No. 4), compared with the control, the area of wounds was significantly less in gel №2 by 45%, No. 3 — by 51%, No. 4 — by 35% (p ? 0,001), the thickness of the skin fold of guinea pigs was lower, respectively, by 39,5, 36,8 and 28,9% (p <= 0,05), rectal and skin fold temperature did not significantly increase. Therapeutic use of prototypes for 21 days led to a significant decrease in relation to the control area of wounds (p < 0,001) on days 10 – 14 with gels No. 2 — by 51%, No. 3 — by 61%, the reference drug «Psilo-balzam» (No. 4) — by 40%, and in the control group of animals — by 16% in relation to the 1st day of the experiment; in experimental samples (No. 3, No. 4), in relation to the control group, respectively, there was a decrease in the level of leukocytes by 20,7 and 18,7% (p <= 0.05), an increase in hemoglobin levels by 14,2 and 18,2% (p <= 0,05), normalization of erythrocytes and decrease in ESR by 24,2 and 20.2% (p <= 0,05). Normalization of the content of leukocytes in these groups was accompanied by an increase in neutrophils, respectively, by 50,5 and 39,2% (p <= 0,05), which indicates the suppression of inflammation. The urea concentration was 10 – 15% (p ? 0,05) lower than in the animals of the control group. The activity of ALT and AST were within the normal range and was 10 – 11% (p ? 0,05) higher compared to the control group. The most effective of the studied gels under ultraviolet irradiation is gel No. 3 (melanin-0,05% and menthol-0,1%).

DOI: 10.30906/2073-8099-2023-15-4-21-28


melanin, photoprotective gel, ultraviolet erythema model, Guinea pigs


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