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Assessment of Medical Properties of Ointments Based on Polysaccharides from the Oyster Mushroom

Евгений Александрович Ставский, Тамара Владимировна Теплякова, Александр Петрович Надеев, Анастасия Александровна Ставская, Анна Николаевна Жайворон, Максим Александрович Ермаченко


The problem of local (medicinal) treatment of wounds of various origins has become aggravated due to the acquisition of resistance to antibiotics by pyogenic microbiota. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the medicinal properties of ointments prepared on the basis of polysaccharides from the oyster mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus. Experimental ointments were obtained by precipitation of polysaccharides with 96% ethyl alcohol from an aqueous extract of a mushroom homogenate heated in a boiling water bath for 12 hours and subsequent purification from fractions insoluble in distilled water. In addition to polysaccharides, the ointments included physiological solution as an ointment base, lanolin as an emulsifier and petroleum jelly. The wound-healing effectiveness of the ointments was assessed in three groups (20 mice each) of healthy non-inbred mice with a body weight of 17 – 19 g, ICR colonies of both sexes from the nursery of the State Scientific Center for VB «Vector» of Rospotrebnadzor. The control group was a group of mice treated with the control ointment Levomikon-TFF. Treatment of mice from these groups continued until their incised skin wounds healed. Every day in all groups, motor activity, appetite, and the dynamics of wound healing were assessed; every three days, changes in body weight in mice were assessed and a histomorphological study of the incised skin wound was carried out. The area of wounds, the percentage of reduction in wound area, and the rate of wound healing were determined. It has been shown that the components of the ointment bases of the tested ointments, polysaccharides from the oyster mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus contained in single doses of the ointment in an amount of 4.0 – 4.8 mg, are not toxic to experimental animals. Polysaccharide-containing ointments ensured wound healing in experimental groups of animals 7 – 9 days earlier compared to mice in the control group.

DOI: 10.30906/2073-8099-2023-15-6-34-39


skin wound, ointment, oyster mushroom, polysaccharides


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